Jacob Nuh
Jacob NuhSenior Pastor

Jacob and Sri, along with their three children—Yerusha, Hulda, and Mishael—moved to Toronto in 2005. With a passion for reaching out to new immigrants, Jacob enrolled at Toronto Baptist Seminary in 2006 and graduated with a Master of Divinity.

From 2007 to 2009, Jacob and Sri were actively involved in the ESL (English as a Second Language) ministry at Jarvis Street Baptist Church, where they experienced firsthand the challenges faced by newcomers to Canada. In the spring and summer of 2009, Jacob served as a Student Pastor at Grace Church Don Mills.

In August 2009, Jacob became the Pastor of House for All Nations Toronto, ministering to Indonesian newcomers in the city. In 2016, the church changed its name to New Living Church and began offering English services.

In February 2025, Jacob was called to serve as the Senior Pastor of New Life Christian Church.

Prashant ChristophersonChairman of the Board
Prashanth KattaTreasurer
Deepthy IngelelaChristian Education
Esther KothapallyEvangelism & Outreach
Daniel KotrickeFacilities
Sanjay KasukurthyWorship Ministry & A/V